The Benefits of Swimming in Eliminating Acne (Pic. from - |
Now how is swimming particularly helpful in eliminating acne?
It is a well-known fact that exercise in general promotes healthy skin. In addition to that, the deep breathing allows more oxygen to be processed and circulated by the body assisting in the removal of toxins and dead cells from the body and promoting the regeneration of cells. (see my next post for information on what everyone means when they speak about toxins)
Thus, swimming, more so in salt water than chlorinated, is extremely effective in disinfecting the skin and killing bacteria on the skin surface. Salt also dries the skin, limiting the production of sebum. If you are not yet convinced then simply look at regular or professional swimmers and surfers and notice whether or not they have acne. The results will speak for themselves.
Source: Free Articles from
George Cleanthous suffered from acne for over 10 years. He researched and investigated acne and acne treatments for over 2 years and he now writes a blog on acne causes, acne treatments, acne symptoms, acne medicine, and general information on how to deal with acne. For the most effective research on acne, visit Acne. - organic clothing for Fitness