
Benefits of Organic

Benefits of Organic
Benefits of Organic
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It's often claimed that a large number of studies have found no difference in the nutrient content of organic and non-organic crops. 

It's true there have been more than a hundred studies comparing the nutrient content of organic and non-organic foods and the results are inconclusive.

If you go department store and check the prices of some organic products you can observe that they are more expensive that non-organic goods. 

Maybe you can think that why you should choose to buy organic products that is more expensive. The reason why you should buy organic products is that there are benefits that you can get if you buy and consume them. Below are the reasons why you should choose organic products.

Products Environment

• With natural farming, you don't need to use chemicals that are use to improve the quality of your product. And some of these chemicals like pesticides can contaminate our water that we drink every day.

• Natural farming does not require chemical spraying. Because are possibility that if you spray chemicals it can leave linger in the air that we can inhale.

• The product of organic farming is healthier than conventional farming. Because the soil of organic farming is compost of organic materials that can help improve the nutrients of foods.

Organic Animals

• Did you know that animals that are raised organically are very safe? Because they are not given any growth hormones that are not safe to our body.

• We all know that animals that are raised organically are feed by organic foods only. That's why organic animals are very safe to eat because you can ensure that there is no chemicals like pesticides that can be pass to your body. Some contaminated meat can cause very dangerous diseases. Just like a dangerous disease called Creutzfeldt-Jacob is cause by contaminated beef.

Helping Farmers and Workers

• The conventional farming is not that safe. It can increase the risk of cancer because of daily exposure of chemicals.

• Organic farms are usually small farm and owned by normal people. By buying their organic products you can help them survive and help them to produce more healthy and safe foods.

Health Facts

• Although there are many conflict about the research of which is safer and healthier, eating non-organic foods are not already proven to be completely safe to eat. But nobody knows what the effects of chemicals from non-organic foods that we digest to our own body.

• As mentioned above, organic farming does not encourage using chemicals that can pollute our environment, so we can breathe and drink freely with less worries.

Try It!

• If the mentioned reasons above still didn't convince you, you can try consuming organic foods because personal experience is the best reference.

The above reasons why you should choose organic is can also be apply to non-food products as well. Wearing and using organic materials like organic clothing will eliminate the harmful chemicals that your skin may absorb and can cause skin diseases.

Source: Free Articles from


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